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    Elevate Recording Set




    “Already Done”
    • Written by Jared White


    If Any Man Be in Christ (Remix)


    “My Soul”
    • Written by Alphaeus Anderson
    TAG When I’m in need of somebody...


    “Who You Say I Am”
    o More than a conqueror...
    Lord, I Love You”
    • Written by Alphaeus Anderson



    Love song (I Sing praises to your name)
    “More Than Anything”


     During the session, we may spontaneously flow into songs not explicitly listed in the setlist during "moments." Please stay attentive and sensitive to the atmosphere within the room during these times. Your flexibility and responsiveness to these spontaneous moments are crucial for capturing the heart of this music.

    My Soul

    reference only

    refer to your recordings from rehearsal

    My Soul

    If anyman be in Christ

    Who you say I am

    My Soul

    reference only

    refer to yur recordings from rehearsal

    Already Done

    reference only

    refer to you recordings from rehearsal

    Tag -

  • Lyrics

    Rehearsal Tracks Coming Soon

    Who you say I am

    Verse: 1 Who am I that the highest King - 1
    Would welcome me - 651
    I was lost but He brought me in
    Oh His love for me Oh His love for me , Oh His Love For Me 654


    Verse 2:

    Free at last He has ransomed me
    (321) His grace runs deep
    ( 5) Whileeeee I was a slave to sin
    Jesus died for me Yes He died for me





    Who the Son sets free

    Oh is free indeed

    I’m a child of God Yes I am


    In my Father’s house

    There’s a place for me

    I’m a child of God Yes I am



    I am chosen Not forsaken I am who You say I am

    You are for me Not against meI n am who You say I am





    Over me he rejoices with singing

    Over me he gets happy and glad

    For I am one of His children Children

    & He takes pleasure in me



    I am more than a conquerer

    I am victorious


    It's ok to be differnt

    Over Me = NA


    Over me he rejoices with singing

    Over me he gets happy and glad

    For I am one of His children Children

    & He takes pleasure in me


    Over Me


    If Anyman Be In Christ ( Remix)



    If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:

    old things are passed away

    behold, all things are become new.


    Are New Hallelujah


    Love Medley

    Lord I Love You Yes I Really Do


    You are the only one You keep all of your promises

    Do one beside you/thee can turn my darkness into day

    Thats Why I cant help but say I cant help but say


    Lord I Love You


    I sing praises to your name

    I give glory to your name

    With my whole heart

    Love Medley

    When I think about your goodness

    and all your done for me

    My Sout My Sout My Soul


    Leader: I thank you I thank You

    Choir: Hallelujah

    I praise your I praise you

    Choir: Glory to ya



    Leader: I thank you

    Choir: For all that youve done for me


    Yes Yes Halleluah



    Leader: You died upon the cross. Your blood has set me free. I'm glad you died for me.




    My Soul

    When I think about your goodness and all you done for me

    My Soul My Soul My Soul

    Lead: I thank you I thank you (Halleluah)

    Lead: I praise you I praise you ( Glory to you)



    When Im need of sombody I call on Jesus

    Be Still

    Be still and know that He's God its already done the battle is won 2x lead 2x Choir

    OO- OO- ooooooo-OOOOO 2x


    Greater is he that lives in you it's already done. The battle is won. 1 lead 2X CHOIR


    OO -OO- oooooooo-OOO


    Dont wait till the battle is over Shoult now -Lead 1X You got the victory praise Hiim now.




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    Monday - Bonus rehearsal ( HPAC 101)

    Wedesday - Mandatory Rehearsal ( HPAC 101)

    Friday - Soundcheck 7pm (HPAC Theater)

    Saturday 11am Mandatory Run Through

    Saturday 4pm Sharp Call time ( Mandatory)


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    None official new Alma Mater