
    Welcome Back

    Gospel Choir Fam

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    Hello & Welcome!

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  • 6:30-7:00pm VIBE Check

    7-8pm Hour of power


    Syllabus for those in the class ( Please read carefully)

    Gospel Music Ensemble

    MUSC U128 |U328

    Alphaeus Anderson

    e. ander877@uscupstate.edu


    Rehearsals: Wednesday at 7:00pm in one of the four places. (Please email to be added to group me)

    HPAC - 101 Hall unless other places are communicated.


    Alternate rehearsal places are Amphitheater (Outside located) & Black box room


    Zoom is the platform of choice for Virtual sessions


    Course Description (1 credit hour): The directed performance of traditional and contemporary gospel music. No audition or prior experience is necessary. Mixture of Contemporary Gospel, Spirituals, Traditional Gospel and other inspirational music. The history and practices of Gospel music and worship will be explored. This course will demonstrate a high level of musicianship so that each student will be adequately prepared for work as a director of worship, private instructor, bandleader, composer, producer or professional performer.


    Grading Scale: For credit, you must attend at least 90% of rehearsals and performances to earn an A. To earn a B, at least 85%. To earn a C, at least 80%.


    Goals and objectives:

    The student will demonstrate an acceptable level of aural skills. Students will be assessed on musical terms demonstrated and practiced in the Gospel music style. There will be some sight reading. Music theory related to Gospel music will be explored. Students will be required to survey the history of Gospel music and worship.



    Students should take notes when necessary and record rehearsal with phones or digital recorder. Students are encouraged to practice material learned outside of class.


    Performance Dates: Performances are occasionally held on or off campus. Attendance is required.



    Dressy Option: Young ladies should have a nice black dress, skirt or dress slacks and black top. Young men should have a dress shirt, dark slacks.

    Please avoid tight fitting clothing, yoga pants, shorts, shoulders out, sneakers. Dress to impress.


    T-Shirt Option: Certain performances allow black t-shirt and jeans. Casual performances will be announced. Avoid tank tops, mid-drifts, and shirts with the shoulders and backs exposed.


    *Avoid flip flops and sandals.

    *Please iron clothing.

    *Gospel Choir t-shirt will be an option, if available.


    Travel: If the choir sings locally, students must provide own transportation. Any out-of-town travel will be by chartered bus. Please be on time.


    Occasional On Campus pop up “Flash Mob”


    NOTE: Please familiarize yourself with the USC Upstate Code of Student Behavior and abide by it at all times. It can be found in your USC Upstate Student Handbook


  • Upcoming 2025 Fall Events

    email ander877@uscupstate.edu


    Office #110 in HPAC

    Thursday | January 16 | WFMV Columbia SC Live Interview 4:30pm Start Time ( Select Students)

    Saturday | January 18 | @ 10am| Darlington SC | Radio Glory 98.5 FM Event

    Sunday | January 19 @ 3pm | Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium (Black T-Shirts & Black Jeans or Pants)

    Wednesday | January 22 @ 11am-2pm | Winterblast

    Wednesday | January 29th @ 7pm -9pm | Game Night & Tiny Desk | CLC Ballroom | URC | HPAC 101 Backup

    Thursday | January 30 @ 6pm | HEC Large Classroom | CREW Bible Study ( Lead Worship)

    Sunday | February 2 | @ 5pm | Soulful Sunday CLC Ballroom

    Friday | February 7 | First Friday TV Taping | North Augusta

    Sunday | February 9 @ 10am | Seneca SC |

    Sarurday | February 15 @ 1pm | Black Cultural Festival | CLC Ballroom

    Sunday | February 23 | The Worship Centerch | Roebuck SC 10am Service

    March | Album Release |

    Pending Below

    March 2025 | Nashville TN (Auditioned Group Only)

    "Elevate" Album Documentary & Video Release Spartaburg SC Pending April 4th, 5th, 6th

    Saturday | April 12 @ 7pm Choir Rehearsal with WIll Johnson & Friends | Purpose Place Church Spartanburg

    Sunday | April 13| 3pm -6pm|. Gospel Grille Part 2 ( Kick Ball Field, Music, DJ & Food) (Pending)

  • Itinerary for events

    Please check back regularly

    Saturday | January 18 | Glory 98 Radio Concert | Darlington SC

    7am | Call Time | HPAC Circle

    10:15am Soundcheck | AW Stanley Gym, 107 Gary Street Darlington, SC 29532

    11am | Event Starts

    1pm Lunch

    Return to School

    Attire Black T-Shirts & Jeans | Shuttle & Food Provided

    Sunday | January 19 | MLK Spartanburg Memmorial Auditoriam |

    Car Pool

    1pm Soundcheck

    3pm Event Starts

    Carl Pool | Food Provided

    Men: Black dress pants or suits paired with the black t-shirt.

    Women: Options include dresses, black dress pants, or a pantsuit, all styled with the black t-shirt. Women should avoid short skirts, tight clothing, or leggings to maintain a professional and cohesive appearance.

  • New Single

    Click Here to download

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    1. Karaoke Night

    2. Study Night

    3. Wings & Sing Aux Battle

    4. Gospel Choir Net Night

    5. Christmas Carols

    6. "Bond"fire Worship

    7. Gospel Grille

    8. Gala

    Extra Events

  • Previous Songs

    More Abundantly

    I've come that you might have life more abundantly
    I've come that you might have life through eternity
    I did not come to condemn the world
    Nor shame you for your wrong
    But I've come to mend your broken heart
    And to give your heart a song

    I've come to give you life
    I've come to give you joy
    I've come to give you life
    More abundantly, more abundantly

    If any man be in Christ


    2 Corinthians 5:17


    Ifany man be in Christ, he is a new creature: 

    old things are passed away 

    behold, all things are become new.


    I needed Your grace more
    Than I thought I ever would
    You forgave more
    Than I thought You ever could

    I was stronger in my head
    But truth is
    I need Your grace


    I need Your grace


    Sold Out

    I am souled out, my mind is made up
    I am souled out, my mind is made up
    I am souled out, my mind is made up
    I am souled out, my mind is made up


    Who can separate us from the love Jesus?
    Not death, nor life
    Jesus paid the price, now I'm free from sin


    I am souled out, my mind is made up
    I am souled out, my mind is made up


    I've come through the fire, I've come through the rain
    But God, He never left my side
    He's my comfort through all hurt and pain


    I am souled out, I am souled out
    I am souled out, I am souled out

    My heart is fixed, my mind's made up
    No room, no vacancies, I'm all filled up
    His Spirit lives in me and that's the reason I'm souled out


    Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes


    Deliver Me

    This is my Exodus

    Thank Your Lord

    Already Done

    Lets Dance

    Everytime I feel the spirit movin' down in me
    It feels so good to me, I can hardly hold my seat
    Don't try to stop me, no don't try to block my way
    Let me rejoice and be glad

    I will praise him every chance I get (Sopranos)
    I can't help it, I just wanna dance (Altos)
    Pick one foot up, put one down (Tenors)
    Let the Holy Ghost turn you around (All)

    Let's dance
    Let's dance, y'all

    Let's dance, I can feel the spirit
    Dance, Like David can you feel it
    Dance, Fire in my bones
    Dance, Spirit take control

    Dance, Let's dance y'all

    Dance (repeat and split parts as directed)

    Let's Dance!! 

    Savior Do Not pass me by

    Everytime I feel the spirit movin' down in me
    It feels so good to me, I can hardly hold my seat
    Don't try to stop me, no don't try to block my way
    Let me rejoice and be glad

    I will praise him every chance I get (Sopranos)
    I can't help it, I just wanna dance (Altos)
    Pick one foot up, put one down (Tenors)
    Let the Holy Ghost turn you around (All)

    Let's dance
    Let's dance, y'all

    Let's dance, I can feel the spirit
    Dance, Like David can you feel it
    Dance, Fire in my bones
    Dance, Spirit take control

    Dance, Let's dance y'all

    Dance (repeat and split parts as directed)

    Let's Dance!! 

  • About Alphaeus

    Alphaeus is married to his best friend and collaborator Alexias Anderson of 16 years. Alphaeus Anderson is the author of Youth Magnet. He is also the founder of Gain Maintain, a platform dedicated to providing cutting-edge strategies, training modules, and courses to coach leaders, as they work to attract and empower youth in the local church. A successful independent gospel label was started by Alphaeus in 2008 and is home of award winning artists and provides production and compositions for many national recording gospel artists. Alphaeus Anderson is the author of Youth Magnet.
    Annually, Anderson attracts hundreds of students during the spring and summer, to sing in a choir he started with only one child 19 years ago. Alphaeus speaks to thousands of students in schools, churches, and community centers. His musical compositions are performed in ministries across the nation and Canada and he has been featured at the National GMWA Youth and Young Adult Division Conference, the National Baptist Convention, Billboard and terrestrial and internet radio.
    Alphaeus is one of the recipients of the 2016 President Barack Obama Volunteer Service Award, presented by Ambassador Lenora Peterson. When not on the road training, speaking and presenting, he can be found teaching at eat-center.com or at The House of Judah.

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    Love to travel, hike, grill, and boo'd up with wife of 17 yrs.

    Subscribe youtube @alphandlex

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    Stellar Awards


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    Youth Empowerment




    Assistant Director

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    Jared White

    Asst Director

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    Official Group Me